The one-time or dynamic password, which has been activated in Iran for several years and bank transactions in particular rely on its use, is an effective and tested method to reduce the damage caused by misuse and online financial theft. Using this password, despite the fact that it has created a serious barrier against any kind of phishing and fraud, in some cases it also causes problems due to non-receipt by users. In the following, we will introduce the dynamic password and examine the reasons for not receiving it, as well as provide solutions to solve this problem.
What you read in this article:
What is a dynamic password and how does it work?
What are the advantages of a dynamic password compared to a fixed password?
Why is the password not dynamic? What is the reason for not receiving the bank one-time password?
The masterpiece system is a serious obstacle to Kazakhstan Phone Number List not receiving a dynamic password
Do you manage an account with two different numbers? You don't get a dynamic password!
Infrastructural problems of operators and heavy volume of simultaneous input prevent the arrival of dynamic code
Blocking promotional SMS is another reason for not receiving a dynamic password
Solving the problem of not receiving a dynamic password by checking the status and settings of the phone
Ensure that the SIM card is active
Check SMS settings
Check the blacklist
Checking the memory of messages
Check network connection
Calling the bank and using other methods to get a dynamic password
What is a dynamic password and how does it work?
A one-time password, known as a dynamic password, is a code or password that is created only for one time login or transaction in a computer system, financial and credit applications or other cases. Dynamic password generation algorithms usually use pseudo-random or stochastic methods to generate an encrypted key to make it more difficult for attackers to obtain and intercept. A dynamic password is actually a key that is created only for unlocking once and is destroyed if not used within the specified time. Also, as soon as this key is used and unlocked, it disappears and loses its effectiveness.
What are the benefits of receiving a dynamic password?
Humans are not involved in choosing this password in any way, and this is a challenge defined for the server to put numbers together randomly and provide the user with a safe and secure and temporary route.
What are the advantages of a dynamic password compared to a fixed password?
The important advantage of this password compared to fixed passwords is resistance to repeated attacks by attackers, which are their main tools in breaking digital and online locks. This means that an attacker cannot pass through the path that the account owner used to pass safely. The server designs the lock and the key together and delivers it to the user for one time use. Another advantage of a dynamic password is that a user who uses the same or similar password for multiple systems is not vulnerable to other systems if an attacker breaks the lock on one of them. Because dynamic password activation requires authentication confirmation, there is a secure way to notify the user of the unique one-time password to use. Also, some systems include password generation software that runs on the user's mobile phone. In some systems, the one-time password is created on a server under human control but without his intervention and printed on paper that the user is required to carry. But SMS is still the most important way to receive a dynamic password, just as sending short messages in marketing campaigns is also one of the most popular methods.