Chance of accepting the invitation! LinkedIn message examples: Good morning I have recently been focusing on expanding my network of contacts with interesting inspiring profiles. Please accept the invitation. Regards. Hi I saw your comment under the post I would like to invite you to my network of contacts to be able to follow your content. Good morning I saw a job advertisement in your company on the XXX website. I applied but I still take the liberty of sending an invitation to stay in touch and view the content provided by the company. What content is worth publishing on LinkedIn and what should you take care of to ensure that your posts engage other users?
It depends. First of all we need to know our users. Their needs what they are looking for on our profile. Are you selling a product? So show the backstage the creation process and ask about the versions of the product that could be implemented. Do Hit Post you want to reach customers with your service? Sharing knowledge expertise and experience can build trust with potential recipients. Are you looking for a career change? Instead of building a profile that only lists your experience create content that shows an entrepreneurial attitude towards a given project. Let others start wanting you on board their company!
You can find more inspiration on my LinkedIn specifically in the post: ideas for LinkedIn posts . Many people wonder whether it is worth investing in the Premium account version. Is this option for everyone? Who would you recommend an account extension to and why? Today even when teaching full functionalities of the platform I do not use a Premium account. Its basic functions are definitely sufficient to build your own brand . At the same time a Premium account for a recruiter or someone who wants to scale their business can be a .