This blog post length allows you to explore every aspect of the topic and to ensure you answer your visitors’ search intent. When you look up on Google “how long should a blog post be for SEO”, generally, you’ll find that it’s the long-form blog posts that do best. Graph showing that google Search Rank improves when text length increases Big Star Copywriting With so much content online, consumers are faced with an influx of information that claims to be reliable. Long-form content can help you beat your competitors and get listed higher in the SERPs.
But it’s also a way to show off your expertise and provide content that enables your France Phone Number Data readers to build trust in your company. The very best content that is produced at this length should offer high value in the form of research, data, and analysis. For example, “What is SEO?” is a topic with a high search volume and highly sought-after keywords. r the topic in enough detail and to deliver quality, “well-keyworded” content that will rank higher in the SERPs. Posts of this length may contain a guide or large lists, often with a linked menu for easy navigation and a better user experience. Bear in mind that the reader doesn’t want to have to work too hard, especially given the length of the blog post.
If you want your readers to stick with you through the whole length of a long-form post, it’s vital that your content is first and foremost of the highest quality. Secondly, your content should be easy to read, with plenty of white space, bullet points, subheadings, and quality images to break it up. Graph showing that page views and shares increase when text length increases Neil Patel But when should you write a long-form post of over 2000 words? This type of blog post is often used at the bottom of the sales funnel. At that point in the customer journey, your visitors are likely to be half-sold on your company and your products or services. What they need now is more detailed content that gives them everything they need to know about how you can help.