So, you will need to rely on volumes to enjoy generous earnings. On the other hand, these products are very suitable for beginners. Online, professional and hosting services When you decide to sell services through affiliate programs, it is important to choose those that can be accessed by buyers from anywhere in the world. In other words, it is not advisable to limit yourself to promoting services accessible only in a certain geographical area. Your best bet is to promote services delivered online or professional services that you have accessed in the past and trust. Some examples of such services are as follows.
Designers – you can promote the services offered by Designmodo, Zazzle, 99 Designs Media business or creative activities – some examples would be John Melly Voice Overs & Production, Media Content Advantage, Music Radio Creative Content marketing services – Hootsuite or Hong Kong Phone Number Data Sprout Social are some options Niche websites such as those dedicated to tourism, travel, pop culture, artisans - you can enter the affiliate programs of Pet Care Supplies, Silvercar or zChocolat Platforms for creating websites – Wix, Squarespace Lead generation services – Thrive or Elementor Emailing service providers – ConvertKit, Constant Contact, AWeber.
The advantages of these services appear due to the easy access to them. The target audience is interested in accessing them as it helps them manage important tasks. Although the price of the respective services may be slightly increased, the commissions become quite generous and attractive for the affiliate. Many hosting services offer a recurring fee. So, you will receive commission for the entire period in which the customer continues to use that service. Online courses Although they could be integrated into the category of digital products, online courses deserve a separate category because of the huge potential they have.