of information systems at Boston College's Carroll School of Management. is the leader of the digital practice and strategy practice at Deloitte Digital. Yes, senior manager responsible for digital transformation and other strategic initiatives. David Killen is executive editor of MIT Sloan Management Review, a magazine that brings the ideas of thinkers to the executives and managers who use them. Yes, Senior Manager, responsible for researching emerging topics in the business technology market. Contributor and . Chief Talent Officer, General Motors Co., Co-Founder and Senior Vice President, Chief Digital Officer, MetLife, Assistant Vice President, Innovation, MetLife, Senior Vice President, Product Management and Innovation, Success Cloud, Senior Vice President, Strategy President, Co-Founder and CEO, Chief Information and Technology.
Officer and Senior Vice President, CEO and Founder Jeffrey Parker, Professor at Dartmouth College; Visiting Scholar at MIT Sloan School of Management; Michael Santoro, Fellow, MIT Digital Economy Initiative, Professor, Santa Clara University, Chief Human Resources Officer, Hilton, Senior Vice President of Product and Professor of Job Function Email List Entrepreneurship, Case Western Reserve University, Professor of Information Systems, MIT Sloan Management Review MIT Sloan Management Review leads academic researchers, business executives, and other influential thought leaders in discussing advances in management practice that are changing the way people lead and innovate.
MIT disseminates new management research and innovative ideas so that thoughtful executives can exploit opportunities arising from rapid changes in organizations, technology, and society. Deloitte This publication contains general information only and is based on the experience and research of Deloitte practitioners. Deloitte is not rendering business, financial, investment or other professional advice or services by means of this publication. This publication is not a substitute for such professional advice or services and should not be used.