It is interesting to see how, compared to the last decade, people use phones not for their intended purpose - making calls, but to receive and send messages. Most prefer messages to calls, not only in personal communication, but also in work. Smartphones have previously been a part of our lives and were used in all areas of activity, but with the onset of the pandemic, phones have become indispensable for many.
When choosing between phone calls and messages, most users Kazakhstan Phone Number List the second. This trend is common and is being embraced by customer-focused companies. In this article, we will look at the reasons why customers prefer SMS/push mailings , and we will determine how to take advantage of this so that customers are satisfied with their communication with the company.
Reasons why customers choose messages instead of calls
Most customers view messages from brands as a communication channel as a positive indicator. One of the main reasons for this is that customers consider SMS/push messaging to be a more time-respecting method of communication. However, there are other reasons why texting has proven to be more convenient than calling.
Send SMS/push newsletters to your customers and stay in touch
We try to do a lot of things at once in order to quickly solve the problems we set for ourselves. With so much information flowing around, multitasking has become an everyday occurrence. That's why messaging is so convenient - it allows you to combine receiving the information you share with other things. For example, the client learns about new promotions over breakfast or while traveling on the bus.
Users often like SMS/push mailings because they allow them not to waste their time receiving information and doing tasks in parallel. After the offer, the client will contact the brand at a time convenient for him, clarify the details and the transaction will take place.
The company’s time also remains profitable, because significantly less time and effort is spent on mailings compared to calls. Choose a convenient moment when sending messages or automate them, use SMS templates and reduce the time for creating mailings to a minimum.