And sugar. It is also useful for constipation, heat, itching and jaundice, thirst and headache. Drinking plum juice after heating it provides relief in sore throat and vomiting. Diabetes patients can also benefit greatly from the consumption of sour potatoes, plums improve eyesight and break down kidney and bladder stones.Interesting facts about chickens By Editorial Team June 29, 2021 1 1380 Share Interesting facts about chickens Interesting facts about chickens presented to the readers… 1. The population of chickens is more than that of humans. It is estimated at Rs 25 billion. The number of chickens is more than any other bird in the world.
Hens are friendly and live together in an organized manner. Dominant cocks are given preference for food and shelter. This order is called “packing order”. 3. The color of hens' eggs is determined by their species and their ears. Red eared chickens usually lay brown Denmark Phone Number Data eggs and white eared chickens usually lay white eggs. In terms of nutrition, there is no difference between brown and white eggs. 4- Chickens are capable of remembering more than 100 human or animal faces. 5- Chickens were first domesticated in southern China around 6000 BC, probably for fighting. 6- Chickens know salty taste, not sweet. Around 97 chickens are killed in 0.05 seconds in the world. 7- Nine yolks in one egg is a record. 8- The longest flight of a chicken was recorded in 13 seconds in which it covered a distance of 301 feet. Chickens can see colors and have colorful dreams.
The name of the hen that lived the longest was Matilda. She lived for 16 years. The average lifespan of chickens is less than half that. 10- Chickens have their own unique language in which 30 different sounds are communicated.Benefits of Strawberry-Strawberry Benefits in Hindi. By Editorial Team June 28, 2021 14 1474 Share Benefits of Strawberry. - Strawberry Benefits in Hindi. benefits of strawberry Table of Contents Benefits of Strawberry – Strawberry Benefits in Hindi. The health benefits of consuming strawberries are as follows: Strawberry is a very useful fruit for heart health. Strawberries resist bad cholesterol. Benefits of strawberries. If you want to improve your eyesight then eat strawberries. Which vitamin is present in strawberry? Strawberry Inflammation, swelling and edema:- Strawberry is a great option for pregnant women:- Strawberry helps in treating cancer. Get glowing skin and natural glow with strawberries. Benefits of Strawberry – Strawberry Benefits in Hindi. Benefits of Strawberry.