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Check List and how to use it effectively WEB PME The best web tools and software SitemapInfographic definition role professions June AuthorAude Salak definitioninfographicpng If infographics found their place in the world of design a long time ago the advent of the Rich People Phone Number List web has made them a preferred communication medium Now just as present in classrooms as in the most advanced content marketing strategies this format deserves its credentials But do you know exactly what an infographic is how it can be used and what skills are needed to create it The answers here Summary What is an infographic Definition Information graphics or infographics are defined as a visual representation of information andor data It is an image that combines different visual elements such as text graphs images
diagrams and even videos to explain complex concepts in a concise and accessible way The subject can thus be presented attractively and particularly clearly making it much more intelligible The more creative and graphically original an infographic is the better it captivates and holds the attention of readers But as fun as it is this communication medium does not seek to distort the information by simplifying it to the extreme On the contrary it is a question of creating a support capable of facilitating the good understanding of the content as well as the memory retention of the information You will have understood a quality infographic cannot be improvised What is the role of an infographic Whether you want to create an infographic for purely informative purposes or you want to integrate it into your content