Get to the bottom of the
Update’s purpose Keep in mind that all Google algorithm updates roll out with one cohesive purpose in mind — to improve its user experience by generating better, more accurate search results. State of Marketing Report 2024 Sometimes such updates are left to users to figure out on their own. Other times, Google itself will offer additional information as to the focus of the update, so check to see if that’s the case. For example, the June 2021 update was eventually confirmed as an update meant to address spam. 3. Consult your analytics for more information No two sites that might be affected.By a particular Google core update will necessarily be affected Bahrain WhatsApp Number the same way. So while comparing notes with peers is a great way to get a better idea of what’s changed, you still need to consult your own analytics for personalized answers. Does your SEO data show you any helpful patterns? Was there a particular page category or type of content that experienced a decline, or did the change appear to affect your entire website? If the effect was sitewide, it may be an issue best fixed by a stronger focus on quality.
How Mature is 4. Compare your site with the competition If landing pages that previously performed really well are no longer ranking the way they once did, then you’ll want to check out the competing pages that are now sitting in those positions. Remember, algorithm updates don’t affect the number of people using Google or the searches they’re performing, so that traffic is going somewhere.