Google will present the user's public publications
Site:sitiodebusqueda and, that's it! Google will search for internal content to the site. Search for related sites If you want to find addresses similar to a specific site you will need to use the word “related”. In Google you have to write in the following way: related:specific site . Details about a site To find information such as the title and description of a specific site, use “info”, like this: info:specificsite . Cache version of a site You may need to view information located on an inactive site or that is experiencing technical problems. In this case write: cache:specific site . Google will show the last version of the site before it was inaccessible. Search onsocial networks indexed on Google If you want to search for Chinese Australia Phone Number List a person on a social network , use the “@” sign before the username. Google will present the user's public publications indexed to the search engine. Search by Hashtags Hashtags are symbols widely used on social networks and are part of the group of SEO techniques . By using them you can find publications on a certain topic. Search for information in the URL, title or text Two interesting resources on Google allow you to search for information in the title, URL or text of a page. If you use inulr:word , you will find only pages that are composed of that term. ADVERTISEMENT When
you type intitle:temadeinterestes , the search engine will present results with the topic of interest in the title. Now if you use intext:textual content , you will find results with the textual content of just one page. Similar search (for one term or another) Google's pattern is to show results composed of all the terms specified in a search. If you are searching for one term or another, it is important to use the "OR" operator ("or", in Spanish). With the fast pace of work, too many tasks and the need to “do everything quickly”, we often forget that Google offers fantastic functions to optimize not only searches but also the time spent. As we know that you prefer to achieve excellence, we take this opportunity to present you the best tricks to carry out your searches. tips to improve Google searches Doing a super search engine seems like