When a person is afraid and worried
First, count toin your head, inhale, then hold your breath forcounts and exhale forcounts. With each new repetition, the delay should becomecount shorter, and the exhalation should be the same amount longer. The result should becounts per inhalation andcounts per exhalation. Quick Exercises to Overcome Performance Fear Quick Exercises to Overcome Performance Fear Secondly, get into a “Superman” pose., he begins to clamp down and tries to hide.A stoop appears, the head is drawn in, the armsAustralia WhatsApp Number Data are crossed. The “Superman” pose will help relieve excess tension. To do this, rest your hands on your sides, bring your shoulder blades together, straighten your back, raise your chin, and watch your breathing. After - minutes you will begin to feel more confident. When you have only a couple of minutes left before going out in public, stretch your facial muscles: make various grimaces. Simple physical exercises relax the body and reduce anxiety.
You can do squats, push-ups, or walk briskly. Rumor has it that Barack Obama preferred to do pull-ups before speaking. An equally good calming exercise is the “iron man”. It must be performed a few minutes before going out in public. It is advisable to do this in a secluded place, because from the outside you will look, to put it mildly, strange. What you need to do: quickly inhale through your nose and at the same time tense every muscle in your body, exhale sharply.